In 1999 Whitley Strieber and Art Bell predicted that events like this were going to happen if we ignored the reality of climate change. A changing Gulf Stream off the East Coast has destabilized frozen methane deposits trapped under nearly 4,000 square miles of the seafloor, and since methane is even more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, any large-scale release like this could have a major impact on the climate.
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A tsunami warning has been issued for Hawaii, and the warnings for US and Canadian coastal areas have been called off. Four to Seven foot wayve area expected to reach the Hawaii’s north facing beaches today. The warning has been issued after a 7.1 earthquake struck an island off the coast of Canada.

At the same time, the northeastern US is doing its best to prepare for Sandy. New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has announced that all public transportation will be shut down starting with buses and subways at 7PM Sunday and extending to commuter trains at 9PM.

Residents of the region are being urged to take the storm seriously and to move to higher ground in areas that are prone to flooding.
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Most of us are aware of the potential dangers of cell phone radiation, but there’s ANOTHER danger you probably never thought of: GERMS!

Bacteria living on your cell phone can cause flu, pinkeye or diarrhea. In the October 23rd edition of the Wall Street Journal, Caroline Porter writes: "When you combine a cell phone’s proximity to your ears, nose and mouth with its bacteria-loving warmth, the result can be harmful to your health." While items like keys and computers harbor plenty of germs as well, they aren’t used close to these vulnerable parts of the body.
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There has been an upsurge in UFO sightings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), and for once, we don’t think it’s the kind of "hoax wave" that YouTube goes through every couple of months.

Three Colorado sighting reports were filed with MUFON over a two-day period, describing a cigar-shape, balls of light, a rectangle and a boomerang shape.
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