After the recent Colorado massacre, we ALL want to reduce violence, but we’re divided about how to do it. Sociologists think that "greening" vacant lots may be associated with reductions in certain gun crimes (and it’s certainly easier than trying to get gun laws passed!)

Results of a recent study show that residents living near greened vacant lots feel safer than those near non-greened sites. Additionally, incidents of police-reported crimes may be reduced after greening.
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Tree rings can tell you a lot: The Japanese have discovered that, in the late eighth century, the earth was hit by a mysterious blast of cosmic rays (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). They discovered this by looking at cedar trees.

An analysis of two ancient trees found a surge in carbon-14, an isotope that arrives from space, which was deposited in cedar tree rings only in 774 and 775 AD. What happened?
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