In 1968, a comedy called "The Odd Couple," starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, told the story of two divorced men, Felix Ungar (a neurotic neatfreak) and Oscar Madison (a fun-loving slob) who decide to live together. This is a script that plays itself out again and again as college starts and students find themselves paired with roommates whom they do not know and do not get along with.
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If you can get Legionnaire’s Disease from just walking past a hot tub, you can get the flu from looking at the pigs at a county fair–and some people did. The CDC reports that four people attending an Indiana county fair this month came down with flu traced to the pigs there.

However, it’s a strain of flu that doesn’t pass easily from person to person, so medical officials aren’t worried about a new epidemic.
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UFO sightings in Canada neared a record high in 2011, of almost 1,000 sightings, at a rate of almost three per day. If it was happening here, would it be reported?

The July 24th edition of the Sun News reports that most of them were reported in Ontario, with British Columbia and Alberta coming in second and third.

Witnesses reported lights in the sky, spheres and boomerangs.
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Gaydar is the ability to "sense" whether or not someone is gay. While it can be used to reinforce a person’s animosity towards homosexuals, it can also save someone time–it’s no use flirting with someone of the other sex who is only interested in people of the same sex.
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