Watching 3D movies can "immerse" you in the experience, but it can also lead to visual symptoms and even motion sickness. Symptoms related to 3D viewing are affected by where you sit while watching, and even how old you are.

Researcher by Shun-nan Yang says, "Younger viewers incurred higher immersion but also greater visual and motion sickness symptoms in 3D viewing. Both problems will be reduced if a farther distance and a wider viewing angle are adopted."
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Blacks often complain that they are singled out for traffic violations more often than whites–that in effect, they are being punished for "driving while black."

But what about blacks (and Hispanics) driving while female?

Sociologists analyzing police actions during routine traffic stops found that black and Hispanic women are just as likely as white men to be ticketed, arrested or searched during a traffic stop–in other words, this happens much less often than it does for their male counterparts.
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The Arctic is melting and the sea level is rising–but it won’t rise evenly around the globe. In the US, oceanographers tell us that the East coast will be the first place in the US that will be inundated. From Cape Hatteras to just north of Boston, sea levels are rising much faster in the East than they are in the rest of the world. Since 1990, the Atlantic Ocean has been rising at an annual rate that is 3 to 4 times faster than the global average.
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Obese children show greater exposure than nonobese children to a phthalate, a chemical used to soften plastics in some children’s toys and many household products. It’s even found in some pacifiers!

Phthalates are found in plastic food packages, medical equipment and building materials such as vinyl flooring, and even in nonplastic personal care products, including soap, shampoo and nail polish. The obesity risk increases according to the level of the chemical found in the bloodstream.
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