Whether or not it can be seen from space, the Great Wall of China is incredibly long. After five years of investigation, Chinese archeologists have determined that the Great Wall is actually more than 13,000 miles long, TWICE as long as it was previously believed to be. This makes it by far the largest structure ever created by man.

The earlier length of 5,500 miles was based on historical records. Also, a lot of it has collapsed: only about 8% of the part of the wall that was built during the Ming Dynasty remains intact, and about 75% is in poor condition. In some sections of the wall, only the foundation remains.
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A national registry has compiled a list of over 2,000 wrong convictions since 1989, since DNA testing became common. And reevaluation of old DNA testing is freeing innocent people from jail every day.

In the May 21st edition of the Los Angeles Times, David G. Savage quotes law professor Samuel Gross as saying, "The more we learn about false convictions, the better we’ll be at preventing them."

To the surprise of many prosecutors and judges, the new National Registry of Exonerations has revealed that a significant number of convicted rapists and murderers are innocent. The Innocence Project in New York says DNA alone has freed 289 prisoners since 1989.
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A big salad is a healthy meal, right? WRONG if you use the wrong kind of salad dressing! And surprise: a fat-free dressing is NOT the way to go.

In a human trial, researchers fed subjects salads topped off with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-based dressings. They found that monounsaturated fat-rich dressings required the least amount of fat to get the best vitamin absorption, while saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat dressings required higher amounts of fat to get the same benefit.

Olive oil is about 75% monounsaturated fat, while Canola oil and nut oil are both about 58% monounsaturated. Nuts and avocados are high in monosaturated fat.
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In the past, reading a novel or book of nonfiction was a private matter, and publishers had no way of knowing how much you liked a book or if you flipped through it quickly or became immersed and enchanted. If they COULD know this, they would design books that were more compatible for readers’ tastes. Well, now with the kindle and other e-books, they’ve found a way to do this–and reading isn’t private anymore.

In the June 29th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Alexandra Alter writes: "Do most readers skip over the introduction, or read it closely, underlining passages and scrawling notes in the margins?"
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