The operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant has been dumping almost a thousand tons per DAY of radioactive water into the Pacific ocean. Will the Pacific ocean dilute this enough so that it’s harmless once it reaches our shores? And what about the debris that it’s bringing along with it?
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Women are often thought of as frivolous because of their obsession with fashion, but there’s a sound psychological basis for this: It turns out that if you wear a white coat that you believe belongs to a doctor, your ability to pay attention increases, but if you wear the same white coat that you’re told belongs to a painter, you will show no such improvement.

In the April 3rd edition of the New York Times, Sandra Blakeslee quotes researcher Joshua I. Davis as saying, "I love the idea of trying to figure out why, when we put on certain clothes, we might more readily take on a role and how that might affect our basic abilities."
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Could there be something GOOD about Fukushima? We may be worried about bluefin tuna from Japan bringing radiation our way, but the FISH don’t need to be worried: It’s been discovered that radiation may save the species. Bluefin tuna are among the most imperiled fish species on the planet, because they’re highly prized in sushi-eating societies. But if diners think their tuna rolls may be dangerous, they’ll choose something else.

In Forbes, Monte Burke quotes marine biologist Nicholas Fisher as saying, "My first thought (when I heard about it) was ‘this will do more for the conservation of this endangered animal than nearly anything else could.’"
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