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Can’t remember where you put your keys? (How about your Key!) Are you more forgetful than you used to be? It could be because you’re EATING TOO MUCH.

New research suggests that consuming between 2,100 and 6,000 calories per day may double the risk of memory loss among people age 70 and older. Neurologist Yonas E. Geda says, "We observed a dose-response pattern which simply means; the higher the amount of calories consumed each day, the higher the risk of (memory loss)." His study revealed that the odds of being forgetful in old age more than doubled for those in the highest calorie-consuming group compared to those in the lowest calorie-consuming group.
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Secret government documents and emails reveal that a $214 million CDC bioterror germ lab in Atlanta has had repeated problems with airflow systems designed to help prevent the release of infectious agents. The lab is violating basic laboratory operating standards, which is used for experiments with anthrax, dangerous strains of flu, SARS, monkeypox and other microbes that have the potential to be used as bioweapons.
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