This was found in samples of shrimp purchased in New York. Researchers have found evidence of antibiotics–one of them a suspected human carcinogen–in seafood imported into the United States and purchased from grocery store shelves. The antibiotic nitrofuranzone, a probable carcinogen, was found in two of the samples–one from a farm in India and the other from Thailand. Both samples were 28 and 29 times higher than the amount allowed by the FDA.
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What’s that up in the sky? Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it—a drone?

Due to a FOIA request, the government has been forced to reveal that there are at least 63 active drone sites around the US and they are SPYING on civilians! (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). They are being launched from locations in 20 states, including Mississippi, Kansas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Ohio, California, Washington State, Texas, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, North Dakota, Virginia, and Utah.
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Despite official denials by the Japanese government and shrouded statements issued by our own government, it’s becoming clear that we’re in potential danger due to radiation from the Fukushima reactor meltdown blowing our way. It may also soon arrived on the West Coast in the form of contaminated items that were engulfed in the tsunami that was caused by the earthquake that started the whole problem.
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Humans are just a higher form of animal, meaning that animals are a lot like us (and vice-versa). India has a major problem with aggressive monkeys that are overrunning its cities and even mugging its citizens.

India was once the world’s largest supplier of monkeys for research purposes, but the Indian government placed strict quotas on them 40 years ago, due to concerns about the medical experiments being performed on them, and in December, the NIH suspended all new grants for research on chimpanzees. Now there are too many monkeys stalking the streets of India’s major cities.
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