Mugging Victim Becomes Math Genius After Brain Injury
The brain can compensate for many things and sometimes it even becomes better–or at least different—after an injury (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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The brain can compensate for many things and sometimes it even becomes better–or at least different—after an injury (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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A vast city built by the ancient Maya and discovered nearly a century ago is finally starting to yield its secrets. Excavating for the first time in the sprawling complex of Xultún in Guatemala’s Petén region, a team of archaeologists has uncovered a structure that contains what appears to be a work space for the town’s scribe, its walls adorned with unique paintings and hundreds of scrawled numbers. Many are calculations relating to the infamous Mayan calendar. Does it give any indication about whether the world will end in December?
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Last year, a California court convicted a swindler of murder in a case that was solved partly, the lead police investigator said, with the help of remote viewing (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
In the May 5th edition of the Las Vegas Sun, Joe Schoenmann quotes Charlie Rose, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, as saying that "it seems to me a hell of a cheap radar system. And if the Russians have it and we don’t, we’re in serious trouble." (He said this in 1979, when we were more concerned with the Cold War that al-Qaeda).
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Computers can do more than identify psychopaths–they can also give us a clue about who wrote the Bible.
The books of the Bible–both the Old Testament (or Torah) and the New Testament–were written by unknown authors. They are "named," but scholars doubt that these are their actual names so, except for the letters in the New Testament that were penned by Paul, the Bible was written by Anonymous. But a new computer program may be able to identify them.
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