NASA may return to space after all–but not to explore, to MINE the valuable minerals that are on asteroids, in a NEW TYPE of "Gold Rush." And we may use robots to do the dirty work.

Space scientists think that robots will be the astronauts of the future. They’ll explore the universe, find and identify extraterrestrial life and even clean up space debris in the process. In the April 24th edition of the New York Times, Kenneth Chang writes: "Perhaps it will be a platinum rush that finally opens up the final frontier."
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Forget the idea of the dumb athlete, a new study shows that professional athletes have BETTER brains. In fact, psychologists, rather than coaches, are devising tests to tell how good a soccer player will become in the future.

It has long been known that physical ability and ball sense are not enough to become really good at soccer. A third vital component has often been mentioned: game intelligence, which is the ability to ‘read’ the play, to be always in the right place at the right time, and steal goals. Many people have regarded game intelligence to be almost a magical ability, something that is impossible to measure. But now researchers think they can do it.
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The Swiss take homeopathic medicine seriously: In late 2011, they produced an official report on this that is the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever undertaken by a government. This is especially interesting since two of the five largest conventional drug companies are based in that country–despite this, they do not have a bias towards conventional medicine. Their report found that homeopathic treatment not only works, it’s so cost-effective that it’s reimbursed by Switzerland’s national health insurance program.
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