Online daters intent on fudging their personal information have a big advantage: most people are terrible at identifying a liar. But new research is turning the tables on deceivers, using their own words.

Communications expert Catalina Toma says, "Generally, people don’t want to admit they’ve lied, but we don’t have to rely on the liars to tell us about their lies." Using personal descriptions written for Internet dating profiles, Toma and researcher Jeffrey Hancock have identified clues that reveal that the author was being deceptive.
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Submarine images have revealed that the Fukushima quake opened up cracks in the ocean floor as big as 6 feet wide. What effect this may have on future quakes in the area is unknown.

Coincidentally, shortly before the quake, researchers had taken photos of the same area of the seafloor where the crust would later rupture, leading to a tsunami that killed about 20,000 people. This meant that the seabed changes could be documented.

On the MSNBC website, Stephanie Pappas quotes seismologist Takeshi Tsuji as saying that his team of researchers saw open fissures in "many places," but how these cracks may effect future earthquakes along the same fault lines is unknown.
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In the past, we’ve warned men that riding a bike can ruin your sex life. Now it turns out this is true for women too: Spending time on a bicycle seat, which has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men, may also be a hazard to a woman’s sexual health. With more and more women taking spin classes, we may be becoming a sexless society.

In the April 3rd edition of the New York Times, Anahad O’Connor reports that bike seats are designed in such a way that body weight typically rests on the nose of the seat, which compresses nerves and blood vessels in the genital area. A 2006 study found that while this has less of an effect on women, the same risk is still there.
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Change IS possible: Faced with the news that a class of antibiotics previously banned by the US government for poultry production is still in use, farmers and ranchers will now need a prescription from a veterinarian before feeding antibiotics to their farm animals. The FDA finally put this rule in place after trying for over 35 years to stop this practice, which helps the animals grow larger, but leads–over time–to the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the humans that eat this meat.
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