Who would have believed it? Cleaning up pollution may lead to more hurricanes!

We’re not sure how this might effect tornadoes, but recent research suggests that cleaning up air pollution from factories in North America and Europe could have helped to cause more disastrous hurricanes in the US in recent years. Since 1995, according to NOAA, severe hurricanes have become much more frequent in the US.

It was always assumed that natural causes were behind the temperature fluctuations that lead to hurricanes, but a new study suggests that tiny airborne particles from industrial pollution (as well as from volcanic eruptions), are the more likely culprit.
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It’s feast or famine in the Arab world, which is why climate change–NOT a hunger for freedom–may be what’s behind the revolutionary movements in the Middle East that have become known as the "Arab Spring."

In the April 8th edition of the New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman writes that "the Arab awakening began in Tunisia with a fruit vendor who was harassed by police for not having a permit to sell food–just at the moment when world food prices hit record highs." He goes on to remark that it began in Syria and Yemen with similar situations.
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Milk in San Francisco is being tested at radiation levels that are double the maximum amount allowed by the EPA, apparently as a result of radioactive cesium reaching California from the Fukushima disaster.

According to Energy News, three recent milk test results on cartons of milk with "best by" dates of 3/12, 4/9, and 4/16 were shown to have amounts are so small that it would require drinking over tens of thousands of liters of milk to receive the small dose that one receives from a cross-country airplane flight. These isotopes can still be detected in milk because they have long half-lives (2 years and 30 years, respectively) and therefore trace amounts will remain in the grass and hay that the cows feed on.
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It’s been proven that an earthquake in one place can "trigger" a quake on the other side of the planet. This helps scientists who study earthquakes predict when and where the next one will hit (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).

Actually it’s already happened: The 8.6-magnitude earthquake that hit off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on April 11 was followed by several smaller earthquakes along the west coast of North America.
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