Current advances in electroencephalographic (EEG) brain-wave detection technology make it possible for someone wearing a helmet with special sensors that broadcast your brain’s waves to be able to tell what state of alertness you’re in. Someday they may be able to do this without the need for a helmet. What comes next–reading our thoughts?
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Humans pump thousands of tons of vapor from the metallic element mercury into the atmosphere each year, and it can remain suspended for long periods before being changed into a form that is easily removed from the atmosphere.

New research shows that the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere work to transform elemental mercury into oxidized mercury, which can easily be deposited into lakes and oceans and ultimately enter the food chain. Mercury-filled fish are not safe to eat.
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Which ear do you use for your cell phone? If you’re a left brain thinker, chances are you use your right hand to hold your cell phone up to your right ear. There is a strong correlation between brain dominance and the ear used to listen to a cell phone, with more than 70% of participants holding their cell phone up to the ear on the same side as their dominant hand.

Your left brain is the more logical side, while the right side is more creative and intuitive. Left brain dominate people, whose speech and language center is on the left side of the brain, are more likely to use their right hand for writing and other everyday tasks.
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