We all know about leap YEAR, but what about leap second? As 70 UN nations argue over whether to abolish it, there’s actually a war going on over time.

Leap year adds a day to February every 4 years, while a the leap second is added every few years in order to synchronize the world’s scientific timekeepers–atomic clocks–with the earth’s rotational cycle. The next leap second is scheduled to be added on June 30, 2018. Atomic clocks, which were created in the 1950s, rely on the precise way that electrons jump around in atoms.
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Red wine is almost a medicine for heart disease, and now a NEW use for it has been found: Drinking red wine in moderation may reduce one of the risk factors for breast cancer, providing a natural weapon to combat a major cause of death among US women.

This new study challenges the widely-held belief that all types of alcohol consumption heighten the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors long have determined that alcohol increases the body’s estrogen levels, fostering the growth of cancer cells.
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There are signs that China may not be doing as well economically as it claims to be, and those signs are: skyscrapers. According to a study by Barclays Capital, the building of skyscrapers over the last 140 years is a sure indicator of an imminent crash. The construction boom that produced both New York’s Chrysler and Empire State buildings preceded the crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression.

More recently, Dubai built a large number of tall office buildings, hotels and apartment buildings, including the world’s tallest building. Then the country’s economy crashed and in 2010, Dubai had to be bailed out by its neighbor, Abu Dhabi. Half of the world’s skyscrapers that are currently being built are being constructed in China.
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Is Israel targeting Iranian nuclear scientists using motor scooters? When 32-year-old chemist Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was killed by a someone on a motorcycle who placed a bomb on his car, then sped off, it was the 5th time in two years that a scientist from the Iranian nuclear program had been assassinated by someone on a motorcycle. This may have been done before: Groups of microbiologists mysteriously died years ago.
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