Not everyone realizes that a new law has been passed that allows the military to detain American citizens indefinitely without a trial, the way it sends foreigners to Guantanamo now. Even though the military and covert agencies say they don’t want this kind of power, congress passed the bill anyway. Obama threatened to veto it, but let it pass with some modifications. We could be refilling Guantanamo at the same time we are trying to empty it.

On the Wired website, Spencer Ackerman writes: "So despite the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of a right to trial, the Senate bill would let the government lock up any citizen it swears is a terrorist, without the burden of proving its case to an independent judge."
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Believe it or not, researchers are using a computerized search to look at hundreds of thousands of NASA satellite images of the moon, looking for telltale signs that aliens have visited there. And if they’ve visited our moon, have they visited US?
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Solving the Communion Enigma has a new website, On it, you can listen to Whitley Strieber read Chapter One, read excerpts from other chapters, post your comments about the book and ask Whitley questions. The site also enables you to find your nearest independent bookstore or Barnes and Noble in the US. The book is also available in Kindle and Nook editions on and
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We know that the ancestors of birds were dinosaurs, so did these ancient giant creatures walk around counting the leaves on the trees? Because it turns out that some birds–pigeons, to be precise–are excellent at math. When it comes to counting, they match the ability of chimps.
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