Astronomers have discovered the presence of what is the largest molecule yet detected in a protoplanetary cloud that surrounds a young star. While not expected to have been produced by biological means, this relatively complex organic compound could be a precursor to the formation of even larger molecules, including onesread more

In response to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, countries that are part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are sending troops and vehicles to neighboring countries in an effort to contain a possible Russian advance, in case President Vladimir Putin decides to extend his invasion plans past Ukraine’s borders. But despiteread more

A team of researchers studying the dynamics of meltwater lakes that form on the surface of Greenland’s glaciers has discovered a previously-undiscovered source of heat that is melting the world’s largest island’s ice sheets from the bottom up: the sheer force of the meltwater draining to the bottom of theread more

[The body of this article wound up going missing at some point, leaving the posting empty. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. ~Matt] Microbiologists have discovered what is now known as the world’s largest bacterium, a single-celled organism large enough to be seen with the naked eye,read more