The Japanese have an insatiable appetite for whale meat, but environmentalists have a new weapon in their fight against whaling–in another nonmilitary use of the same drones we use as a weapon in Iraq.

Japanese whaling ships tried to block anti-whaling ships sent by conservationist agencies like Greenpeace to chase the whalers so the whale hunters could escape, but the activists repeatedly launched a drone to track them.
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When Christopher Columbus and his crew landed on our shores in 1492, he brought many things with him–among them, the dreaded sexual disease syphilis, which can damage the heart, brain, eyes and bones, and can also be fatal.

This is shown by recent Indian skeletal evidence. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes evolutionary biologist Kristin Harper as saying, "All of the skeletons that showed definite signs of (syphillis) appeared to be dated to after Columbus returned to Europe."
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