Those hallucinogenic mushrooms may be tempting (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but beware: A single high dose of psilocybin, the active ingredient "magic mushrooms," was enough to bring about a measureable personality change lasting at least a year in nearly 60% of the 51 participants in a new study.
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Will 2012 be the year we discover another planet that has intelligent life on it? Researchers have detected two planets of sizes comparable to Earth orbiting a star similar to our own Sun. This means there could be life on either one–or both–of them. Astronomers don’t expect to find ETs there, but they do hope to eventually spot something that could eventually evolve into creatures like us.

The discovery is the first confirmation that planets the size of Earth and smaller exist outside our Solar System, and that we can find them with Kepler Space Telescope, which so far has spotted more than 2,300 planets that could contain life.
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In the zeal to eliminate dangerous bacteria, it is possible that we are also permanently killing off beneficial bacteria as well. We’re all worried about superbugs caused by the antibiotics in meat, and we’re taking more antibiotics than ever. By the time a child in the US or other developed countries reaches the age of 18, he or she has already had 10 to 20 doses of antibiotics. These are in addition to the antibiotics that may be given to women while they are pregnant, and which may affect the normal bacteria that mothers transmit to their children.
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