A middle-aged woman was admitted to an emergency room with amnesia, unable to remember anything about the past 24 hours EXCEPT having had sex with her husband an hour earlier. Does this mean the sex was very good–or very bad? Probably neither–what’s called "transient global amnesia" is a rare condition in which memory suddenly (and temporarily) disappears.
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If you were born bad, mom can save you–even BEFORE you’re born! It’s hard to think of a baby being violent or destructive, but the seeds of violence may be planted before a child is born, meaning that attention to health factors as early as the prenatal stage could prevent violence in later life.

Nursing expert Jianghong Liu says, "Violence affects everyone in society and the cost of violence also has an indirect impact on our lives. As a society we should invest in better health care for early life–as early as a growing fetus–in order to minimize their health risk factors for violence. It is never too early to intervene in the development of violent tendencies."
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Researchers were surprised to learn that the DNA sequences of human and chimpanzee genes are nearly identical, so what is responsible for the many differences between the two species? Here’s why we want to find out: Chimps get MUCH LESS cancer than we do.

For years, scientists believed the vast differences between humans and chimpanzees would be easily explained, but when their genomes were sequenced, researchers discovered that the insertion and deletion of large pieces of DNA near genes are highly variable between humans and chimpanzees and this may account for major differences between the two species.
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Mexico’s archeologists don’t put much credence in the ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end in December of 2012, but at a recent press conference they admitted that a second reference to that date has been found on a carved fragment at a southern Mexican Mayan site. Is this the secret they’ve been hinting about?
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