Most of the beef we eat here in the US is tainted with antibiotics, because ranchers fatten the cattle up by feeding them corn, which irritates their stomachs (grass-fed cattle don’t need these medications–and ALSO do not raise your cholesterol).
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When researchers at CERN found neutrinos traveling at a speed faster than light, they were excoriated by the scientific community, so in order to prove their results were real, they done an IMPROVED version of their experiment–and the result is the same. If confirmed by other experiments, this could change the basic laws of modern physics, because the idea that nothing can exceed the speed of light is a basic idea in physics, which forms part of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.
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And there’s no way to fool her–you’ll reveal everything about yourself as soon as you start to dance. But first, your shirt: A new psychological study reveals that men who show skin are viewed as more sensitive, but less competent than those who are fully clothed. There’s a similar response to scantily clad women.

In, Stephanie Pappas quotes researcher Kurt Gray as saying, "An important thing about our study is that, unlike much previous research, ours applies to both sexes." People wearing few clothes were seen as having less moral responsibility, but at the same time they were seen as more deserving of protection.
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