"Twinning" is genetic and the central African country of Benin has the highest twin birthrate, while Asia and Latin America have much lower rates of twinning. Benin has almost 30 twins for every 1,000 births. Europe, the US and Australia–where most maternal genes are the same–average nine to 16 sets of twins for every 1,000 births.
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Scientists are fond of trying to break codes–and sometimes they succeed. One manuscript they’ve been working on seems straight out of fiction: a strange handwritten message in abstract symbols and Roman letters meticulously covering 105 yellowing pages, hidden in the depths of an academic archive. Now, more than three centuries after it was devised, the 75,000-character "Copiale Cipher" has finally been broken.
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If you like fantasy, you’re a DIFFERENT KIND OF PERSON from your neighbors. Psychologists have recently discovered that people experience fantasy differently, which explains why some people enjoy it more than others.

Psychologist Russell Webster conducted two studies: one involving written stories and another involving movies and TV. For the written narratives, participants read a passage describing the sunrise and had to imagine themselves as either watching the rising sun or flying toward it. For the visual narratives, participants looked at a painting that featured a man floating in the sky and a man sitting in a cottage. Participants had to imagine themselves as either the man floating or the man in the cottage.
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