It sounds like something you might find in a horror movie, but it’s REAL: Scientists are studying mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or autism, by studying brain cells in a petri dish. Their goal is not to be ghouls, but to uncover what goes wrong inside the brain before the damage starts. They reprogram the skin cells of patients with mental disorders and grow them into brain cells in the laboratory. There, under their careful watch, they can detect inherent defects in how neurons develop or function, or see what environmental toxins or other factors cause them to misbehave.
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As the gypsies traveled across the country, a plant followed them, since they dropped its seeds along the way. Biologists are using this plant to trace the tracks of US gypsies. It’s not particularly beautiful: It’s a foot-high plants with leaves that look like blades of grass. But it turned up in a Mississippi cemetery four years ago, botanist were puzzled, because it had never been seen in North America before.
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