Just like humans, birds that are abused when they’re young are more likely to become abusers themselves later on.

Adult Nazca boobies, seabirds that live on the Galapagos Islands, often attack their neighbors’ young. These bullied nestlings then turn into bullies themselves when they become adults, meaning the cycle continues. Researchers even believe that this cycle may have the same cause in both birds and humans, since stress hormones surge after bird abuse.
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The acute economic downturn that began in 2008 sometimes is called the "mancession" to reflect its harsher impact on men than women. As recently as last November, over 10% of adult men were unemployed as compared to 8% of women. But how do unemployed men cope with their shifting domestic roles, especially when they become financially dependent on a wife or female partner?
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Humans aren’t the only ones who use roads to travel from place to place–superbugs do too! Antibiotic resistant E. Coli is much more common in rural villages situated along roads than in towns located away from them, which suggests that roads play a major role in the spread or containment of antibiotic resistant bacteria, or superbugs.
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