Even though a dwarf galaxy clear across the Milky Way looks to be a mouse, it may have once been a bear that slashed through the Milky Way and created the galaxy’s spiral arms. What does all this mean?

Astronomer Curtis Struck thinks the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy collided with the Milky Way, creating the galaxy’s spiral arms, its central bar structure and the flaring at its outer disk. Along the way, the dwarf galaxy’s stars were scattered and the galaxy shrunk to an object that’s so small and unimpressive it’s hard to see. Maybe the evolution of our Milky Way galaxy did include collisions and wasn’t as peaceful as astronomers had thought.
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This is something that all single men yearn to know, as they practice the "lines" they’ll use when they meet a new woman. But it turns out that it’s not so much what you SAY that matters, but your tone of voice when you say it (and there’s not much you can do about that).

Women are turned on by low male voices. In the same way that bright plumage attracts female birds, because it denotes a healthy bird, a deep voice may instinctively attract women, because it denotes healthy masculinity (with lots of testosterone).
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We’re prepared not only for a possible nuclear power plant meltdown of our own, but we’re also more prepared for a terrorist "dirty bomb." The amount of radiation released during the Fukushima nuclear disaster was so great that the level of atmospheric radioactive aerosols that wafted across the ocean into Washington state was 10,000 to 100,000 times greater than normal levels in the week following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that triggered the disaster.read more