The (mostly) male hormone testosterone drops after a man becomes a parent, probably so that he will care for his infant, rather than try to kill him or push him out of the nest, as some other creatures do.
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In Vietnam, a lot of soldiers smoked marijuana, we assumed in order to make the trauma of war easier to take. Now we know another reason: In a study performed on rats, the researchers found that marijuana does not erase the traumatic experience, but only the development of post-trauma symptoms. Psychologist Irit Akirav says, “We found that there is a ‘window of opportunity’ during which administering synthetic marijuana helps deal with symptoms simulating PTSD in rats."
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Some researchers think we should leave them alone, but biologist Denise L. Herzing, who is the world’s leading authority on dolphins and has been studying them for 25 years, believes in relating to them. In the September 20th edition of the New York Times, Erik Olsen quotes her as saying, “I’m kind of an old-school naturalist. I really believe in immersing yourself in the environment of the animal."
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