An analysis of 2 million-year-old bones that were found in South Africa in 2008 identifies the transitional figure that came before modern humans–the best candidate for the original ancestor of the human line. This is something archeologists have been researching for years. The brain, hand and foot have characteristics of both modern and early pre-human forms, revealing that a transition was under way. This creature was small, the size of a chimpanzee, but with a configuration more human than a chimp, particularly a larger brain cavity behind and above the eyes.
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Former FBI agent Ali Soufan says he has not been allowed to tell the truth about 9/11. Soufan is a Lebanese man who came to the US as a teenager and is one of the few Arabic speakers in the FBI. He says that not only were we mislead about what lead up to 9/11 and what could have prevented it, but he argues that rough interrogation techniques, such as water boarding, were unnecessary, since he and his team had ALREADY GOTTEN the information about al-Quaeda that these methods were trying to elicit.
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