Texas is home to presidential candidate Rick Perry, who denies global warming, but parts of the state are burning, due to a drought of historic proportions that has been intensified by excessive atmospheric heating predicted in global warming models. It is drier in Texas right now than it has been since the state began recording weather conditions and the result is predictable: fire. Previously, the six-year drought of the 1950s was the worst in Texas history, but it did not approach the extreme conditions being experienced now.
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Bullying: Although it’s often mistakenly considered a normal part of growing up, bullying is a serious problem that affects millions of children and adolescents. Almost 30% of US teens–more than 5.7 million–are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both.read more

It will be like no other trip you’ve ever taken before! William Henry, the host of Revelations, has another Nashville event coming up September 9-11 (his tenth). He says, "The theme of ‘The Anointed’ is this: We need to embrace a galactic consciousness now, and that will make all the difference. Each of us is on a quest to find the Source, the Eternal, and our True Self and to fully empower ourselves for the task ahead. I believe the path leads through the Galactic Heart.read more