First we found out that business travel is dangerous, then we found out that staying in your office and inhaling the dust on your desk is dangerous too! Now we learn that trying to save money by eating at your desk is another danger. If you bring a bag lunch to work you’re not alone: 83% percent of Americans eat in their office or cubicle in an effort to save time and money, but when it comes to protecting themselves against foodborne illnesses, many professionals are still “out to lunch.”
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We may eventually end up eating it, but a far better use for it would be to burn it as fuel. And we won’t use our own–we’ll use panda poop instead! It turns out that while pandas may have trouble with sex, they have no trouble pooping, and since bamboo makes up about 99% of their diet in the wild, their guts contain bacteria that is especially effective in breaking down the cellulose in plants into nutrients. This means that their excrement contains bacteria which can break down plant material in the way that is needed to use plants like corn as a new biofuels.
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Do depressed people make better political candidates because they remember more history (and are thus not doomed to repeat it)? Sad people have another political advantage: they are better than happy people at recognizing faces. You’d think you’d forget the BAD stuff, such a gory slaughterhouse or the devastating scene of a natural disaster, rather than the good, but those episodes are actually EASIER to remember. But in case you want to forget them, scientists are ready to help you.
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What state has the thinnest population–and WHY? You’d think it would be California–where health food abounds and fruits and vegetables are grown–or even New York, where everyone seems to have a gym or health club membership. But it’s none of those: it’s Colorado!
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