When it comes to appearance, we are sometimes informally issued a number from one to ten. What if we lived in a world in which everyone is assigned a number that tells everyone ELSE how influential we are, and this number determined whether or not you got a job, a hotel room upgrade or free samples at the supermarket? This is really happening to millions of social network users.read more

Meditation actually HEALS by producing powerful pain-relieving effects in the brain (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show, as well as to a wonderful talk with Echo’s interviewer, psychic medium Marla Frees). Nearly one in 3 Americans suffers from chronic pain, which costs more than $600 billion in medical bills every year (back pain alone coasts $90 billion). Rsearchers have found that specific regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger and had more gray matter than the brains of individuals in a control group.read more

When we think of war, we think of the number of "boots on the ground" we have in Iraq and Afghanistan, but this type of war is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, future wars will be fought with remote-controlled drones and computers. This has probably already happened: The computers that control Iran’s nuclear arsenal were recently hacked into around a year ago, probably by Israel.
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