People have been getting tattoos for thousands of years, and today, nearly half of all adults younger than 40 have at least one tattoo, and it’s not just youth who are getting them: many middle-class ladies are getting permanent makeup tattoos. But federal health officials say that not all inks are safe, and the newest tattoo trends may be the most dangerous: Tattoo parlors are mixing their inks with other, unsafe products.
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Major new earthquakes in New Zealand make us wonder: Are more on the way–and if so, where will they strike? Scientists are warning that the northwest coast of the US could be devastated by a huge movement of undersea plates known as a "megathrust" earthquake, despite the fact that this fault line has been dormant for 300 years. "Megathrusts" are the world’s largest earthquakes, which happen in a "subduction zone"–a region where one of the earth’s tectonic plates is underneath another.
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The West has become so dependent on the Chinese economy that it’s imperative to understand them. It turns out that a 2,000 year old board game that the Chinese play constantly (the way we play cards, chess or checkers) is the key to this understanding. Learning the ancient board game of wei qi (which means the "encirclement game" and is known in the US as Go, can teach Westerners how to understand Chinese world strategy, according to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Army War College professor David Lai.
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Mysterious particles are coming from the sun and now mysterious WAVES are too. A huge storm on the sun on June 7th spewed out a massive amount of solar plasma. Astronomers can’t figure out why the sun’s corona is thousands of times hotter than usual.

The Daily Galaxy quotes NASA’s Leon Ofman as saying, "One of the biggest questions about the solar corona is the heating mechanism. The corona is a thousand times hotter than the sun’s visible surface, but what heats it up is not well-understood. People have suggested that waves like this might cause turbulence which cause heating."
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