We know that the Sun has an effect on radioactive particles here on Earth. As the 2012 presidential election starts to heat up, we ask ourselves: Could the Sun also influence our politics? Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky proposed this theory in 1915: Solar storms, interacting with the Earth’s magnetic field, trigger conflict, wars and death by causing mass changes in human moods, emotions and behavioral patterns.
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When it comes to textbooks, Kindles and other electronic readers don’t really work because of the way the brain functions (but if you have an e-reader, you can carry Hybrids and The Key along with you, and watch Whitley morph into a machine again and again, plus check out MOTKE’s provocative statements all during the day. The NEW, REVISED edition of The Key, which is in stores (and on your Kindle) NOW!
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In 1998, a mysterious little man that Whitley Strieber calls the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all kinds of things he didn’t know–but when he checked them out later, he found out they were TRUE. (The NEW, revised edition of The Key, with a foreword that talks about how many of his statements later turned out to be true, is in bookstores NOW). One of the few things that Whitley could NOT check out was MOTKE’s provocative statement that we are stuck on this planet because the parents of the child who would have given us the ability to travel into space was killed in the holocaust.
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Do we have free will? We certainly make mistakes (the Master of the Key made that clear when he burst into Whitley’s hotel room in Toronto in 1998 and told him about climate change (The NEW, revised edition of The Key, with a foreword that talks about how many of his statements later turned out to be true, will be in bookstores May 12).read more