Losing weight is HARD WORK, but it can be especially frustrating when you GAIN IT BACK (Anne Strieber talks about how to solve this problem in her famous diet book What I Learned from the Fat Years). Lately women who have had lipsuction have discovered that the fat comes back, but in DIFFERENT PLACES.
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The Swine flu pandemic never materialized, despite all the warnings that it could equal the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which killed millions of people. To the average American, this is a relief, but governments in Europe and the US spent a lot of money stockpiling what turned out to be useless Swine Flu vaccines and Tamiflu. What happened (or DIDN’T happen)?
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The typical American uses 99 gallons of water a day for washing clothes, bathing, toilet-flushing and cooking, and that amount doesn’t even come close to the amount of water used on a daily basis by electrical power plants.

On NPR, Terry Gross interviewed water expert Charles Fishman, author of "The Big Thirst," who says, "The last 100 years has been the golden age of water in the developed world: water that has been safe, unlimited and essentially free. But that era is over. We will not, going forward, have water that has all three of those qualities at the same time: unlimited, unthinkingly inexpensive and safe."
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