In the future, everyone may have an avatar–a double who does tasks that you don’t want to perform. Your avatar will make a better impression than you would and, since you program it, everyone else it deals with (who may be avatars themselves) will know that its decisions are the same as more

One problem that overweight people have is that they don’t know when to stop eating. Now researchers have identified a signaling pathway in the brain that may cause leptin resistance, which decreases the body’s ability to "hear" that it is full and should stop eating. Leptin is a hormone released by fat cells that is known to indicate fullness, or satiety, in the brain. If the body is exposed to too much leptin, however, it will become resistant to the hormone. Once that occurs, the body can’t “hear” messages telling the body to stop eating and burn fat. Instead, a person remains hungry, craves sweets, and stores more fat instead of burning more

The BP oil spill in the Gulf isn’t the only major water pollution problem. There’s one that’s went on for 30 years: That’s how long two General Electric facilities released about 1.3 million pounds of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into New York’s Hudson River, devastating and contaminating fish populations. Now, 50 years later, one type of fish–the Atlantic tomcod–has not only survived but appears to be THRIVING in the hostile Hudson environment, thanks to changes in its genes.
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