It’s called "the elephant in the room"–something that should be obvious to everyone that nobody seems to notice–like the UFO phenomenon. Psychologists think this kind of “inattention blindness,” where fail to see something right in front of them while they are focusing on something else, can be dangerous (especially in cases like texting or talking on the phone while driving). People who do this have an inability to focus their attention where it’s needed, or on more than one thing at a time. Is this YOU?
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A smile is catching (just like an itch) and it’s not only a kind way to greet others–it can also be personally empowering and lead to a longer, healthier life. In Forbes Magazine, Ron Gutman explored the power of smiles by examining an old yearbook and looking at who was smiling and who wasn’t, then comparing their facial expressions with their future success. He found that the widest smilers ranked at the top of the success ladder, in both marriage and professions.
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It’s another miracle! During the Easter season, we begin to think about miracles, but these days PEOPLE are doing them. As medical knowledge progresses, we will see more and more of them. Now scientists have figured out how to convert adult skin cells directly into beating heart cells, a miracle that could eliminate the long waiting list for heart transplants (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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