We know that yawning is "catching," but can you catch an itch? The answer is yes. We don’t mean a disease, like measles or chicken pox, that MAKES you itch–we’re talking about how just SEEING someone else scratch makes us want to do it too. And here’s something that will surprise you: Dental cavities are catching too!
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What is "fracking?" It’s removing natural gas from the ground–and there is LOTS of it right here in the US, so if we produce cars that run on natural gas (as lots of trucks do already), then we can solve our oil dependency problems. HOWEVER, fracking uses LOTS of water (which we are ALSO short on) AND it is not necessarily emission-free.
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There are THREE ways to meet Whitley Strieber. You can buy a copy of his new novel Hybrids on Saturday, April 23rd at 2 pm Pacific in Burbank, California at Dark Delicacies Bookstore. If you want to listen to Whitley read the first 3 chapters of the book AND see him morph into a machine, click on the Hybrids website. And you’ll have a lot more time to talk to him if you come to the Dreamland Festival in Nashville in June.
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