Whitley Strieber has just posted a beautiful video about his new novel Hybrids, in bookstores NOW. Go to the Hybrids website to watch Whitley morph into a machine–and back again! You can also listen to Whitley read the first three chapters of the book.read more

It certainly seems as if we’ve had a lot of earthquakes lately–some of them more dangerous than others. The devastating 2004 Indonesian tsunami, with its death toll of as many as 250,000 people, was caused by the first 9.0 earthquake since 1967. After that came a group of smaller but still destructive quakes in Haiti, Chile, and New Zealand, and then another big one: the 9.0 quake in Japan. Seismologists want to know whether the number of large earthquakes is on the rise (and maybe they’re already HERE: Hundreds of earthquakes have been detected in an area of Nevada recently.).
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The recent Japanese nuclear power plant meltdown has spurred scientists on to find better ways to detect radiation. They could also use these methods to search for countries (like Iran) that are secretly making nuclear weapons–as well as terrorists who want to use "dirty bombs." The International Atomic Energy Agency mandates nuclear safeguard systems to on these reactors, but one thing they DON’T show is how much plutonium or uranium is present in the fuel rods of these reactors, some of which could be diverted to use for manufacturing weapons. With nuclear reactors supplying large amounts of the power used on this planet–especially in Europe–this is not a small problem. read more