The French research group on radioactivity CRIIRAD is warning that the risks associated with iodine-131 contamination in Europe from the Japanese nuclear power plant meltdowns are no longer "negligible," and are advising pregnant women and infants against not to drink fresh milk or eat leafy vegetables. Should we be cautious here in the US as well?
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Japan’s Meteorological Agency warns that after the massive March 11 earthquake, the country’s other 20 volcanoes have become more likely to erupt, and there will also continue to be aftershocks in the area. Maybe we should heed the warning: Japanese geologist Masanobu Shishikura warned his country that a massive quake was coming, which would send up a huge tsunami, but that no one would listen to him.
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We wrote that some ancient scrolls made of lead and copper that have recently come to light may reveal mysteries of ancient Christianity, but now it looks as if the only thing they reveal is a clever forgery. The covers of the books contain strange sequences of Greek letters next to depictions of a palm tree, a walled city, a crocodile and Alexander the Great. The three lines of Greek all turn out to be variants on the same two puzzling phrases: "Without grief, farewell! Abgar, also known as Eision."
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