In 2001, we reported that dust clouds from China regularly sweep across the Western United States, bringing with them bits of rock, dinosaur fossils and even particles of mummies." Now pollution is arriving from the Japanese tsunami in the form of massive floating rubbish islands almost 70 miles long, containing the remains of destroyed cars and buildings, as well as human body parts. More than 200,000 buildings were carried out to sea by the tsunami caused by the 9.0 quake on March 11.
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The new Hybrids website has just been rolled out, and Whitley Strieber reads from the book on it. Anybody who listens to Dreamland knows what an experience it is to hear him read, and he’s at the top of his form with this. You can also read a sample chapter, watch the Hybrids video, read a Q&A and find out how to buy Hybrids either online or locally. The book is available in physical and electronic formats. He will appear on Coast to Coast AM to talk about it on April more

We earlier reported that US milk is safe to drink, but new evidence shows this may not be true: The EPA reports that radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in several American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk from Vermont for the first time since the Japan nuclear meltdown began.
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