A recent survey by divorce lawyers found that one in 5 divorces in the US were triggered by Facebook because a rising number of people are using social media to engage in extramarital affairs. Networking sites may be great for meeting someone, but once you’re married, maybe you should close your computer!
Men who used to surreptitiously surf porn sites are now meeting women online instead. On a social network, you can be who you want to be (a CEO instead of an office worker) and this kind of stimulus raises male testosterone levels, leading to trouble for married men.
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Iceland doesn’t just have volcanoes under its massive ice sheets, it has earthquake swarms as well. Since earthquakes often set off volcanoes, this makes sense. There have been over 400 earthquakes in the vicinity of the Krísuvík volcano recently, and it shows no signs of slowing down. That’s the bad news (for Iceland) and the GOOD news is: WE don’t show any signs of slowing down either!read more

Anne Strieber learned that we use a specific part of the brain to tell time. A new study finds that the part of the brain we use for reading doesn’t require vision at all: Brain imaging studies of blind people as they read words in Braille show activity in the same part of the brain that lights up when sighted readers read.read more

The times when your bladder is full and you REALLY "have to go" is NOT the time to get out of your chair and run to the toilet, it’s the time to make difficult decisions (which you can also make while sitting on the "john.") Why? Because scientists have found that suppressing one vital need, such as hunger, sex or thirst, makes you better at controlling yourself when it comes to making vital decisions (if more companies knew this, then staff meetings would consist of people sitting around a table bouncing up and down with their knees together).
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