Some people have theorized that so-called "aliens" are residents of a parallel universe who manage somehow to enter our reality–but how would they do it? One way would be through what quantum physicists call a "wormhole," even though these passageways have never been seen or detected. But that may soon change: A new study suggests that wormholes might exist between distant stars, which mean they might be visible with new space telescopes like the Kepler.
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How can something REALLY LARGE be hidden from sight? If it’s an object in space, astronomers can know it’s there from the reactions of other stars and planets, even if they can’t see it. They have evidence that either GIANT brown dwarf ("cold") star or a HUGE gas giant planet is at the outermost reaches of our solar system, far beyond Pluto. Astronomers think it’s 4 times as big as Jupiter and have even named it: Tyche. They even think it may be responsible for the mass extinctions that occur at regular intervals on Earth.
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Do kids who grow up without dads have three strikes against them? It has long been assumed that an absent father and a single-parent household (with the parent usually being the mother) deprives children of the skills they need to be socially and academically successful. But that isn’t necessarily so. In a new study, researchers found that conjugal multiplicity, in which women have multiple partners, was in fact a strategic adaptation to the conditions of poverty that in fact provides developmental advantages for poor children in rural more

The explosion and fire on a BP-licensed oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) had huge environmental and economic effects, with millions of gallons of oil leaking into the water for more than five months. And baby bottlenose dolphins have begun washing up dead in record numbers on the shores of Alabama and Mississippi, most likely as a result of the BP Oil spill. 24 baby dolphins have washed up on the shores of the two states since the beginning of the year–10 times the normal rate, and the dolphin stranding season hasn’t even begun.
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