While most glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, one of them is growing bigger–ALSO as a result of climate change. Hotter summers may actually slow down the melting rate of glaciers. Researchers have learned that increased melting in the warmer summer months is causing the internal drainage system of the Greenland ice sheet to adapt to allow for more melted water, without speeding up the calving of ice chunks and water flow into the oceans. This is happening because in hot weather there is so much water that it runs off into channels below the ice, decreasing the layer that sits on top of the ice sheets and causes melting over a much larger surface area. read more

A new material that can repeatedly heal itself at room temperature when exposed to ultraviolet light means we can create products that can repair themselves when damaged, such as self-healing medical implants, cars and airplane parts. A "self healing" type of ultra-thin metal was part of the debris found at the site of the Roswell UFO crash over 60 yeas ago (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show).
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While the West searches for planets that may contain life, the Chinese say that aliens are not only real, they are living amongst us. Since Communists reject the idea of God, Chinese spokespeople say that our religious dogma has led us to deny the ET reality. They compare this to earlier, Western medieval beliefs (influenced by religion) that the world was flat or that the sun revolved around the Earth (instead of vice-versa).
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Many parents think their kids watch too much TV, and now that the internet and television are becoming more alike, many parents want to limit their kids’ computer time too. And the more time adolescent girls spend in front of Facebook, the greater change they have of developing a negative body image and various eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia and exaggerated dieting. The same effect has been found with regard to exposure to music and fashion on the internet, and to harmful programs on TV.
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