We’re just starting to understand WHAT black holes are and HOW they are created. Scientists now suspect that at the end of this process of creation, time becomes "bent," meaning it actually STOPS. The future of time travel may hinge on understanding this (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In space.com, Clara Moskowitz quotes mathematician Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon as saying, "It is really beyond the physics we know. To understand what happens inside a black hole, we need to invent new physics.read more

How can a part of the world transform from a green area into a desert? It happened to the Sahara and scientists think this was due to a change in the tilt of the earth. Changes in the Earth’s tilt happen from time to time and they change the weather. A change in our orbit could have done the same thing, and scientists say the earth’s orbit continues to change and will continue to do so in the future.
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Can you believe what you’re seeing? Personal identification of suspects is a major crime fighting tool. Scientists will soon be able to identify your hair color from your DNA, so all criminals will have to immediately use hair dye or wear a wig.
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The man who allegedly shot Representative Gabby Giffords is undoubtedly a psychopath–someone who is unable to put himself in another person’s shoes. Neurologists have found that people diagnosed as psychopathic have difficulty showing empathy, just like patients who have suffered frontal head injury of the type that affects football players. Does this mean we may find a way to "cure" these manmade monsters?
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