When water is too "weird" to drink, you can clean it up with OYSTERS (just don’t eat the oysters). We’ve used bacteria to clean up waterways in the past (even major oil spills, like BP–NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this special report), so why not bivalves?

Chronic water quality problems caused by agricultural and urban runoff, municipal wastewater, and atmospheric deposition from the burning of fossil fuels leads to harmful algal blooms–and algae is what oysters like to EAT. Researchers found that a farmed oyster to can remove over 2 times the algae of a regular oyster.
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Breast cancer has been blamed on many different things, but pollution? A ground-breaking new study suggests pollution from traffic may put women at risk for this deadly disease. Researcher Mark Goldberg says, "We’ve been watching breast cancer rates go up for some time. Nobody really knows why, and only about one third of cases are attributable to known risk factors. Since no one had studied the connection between air pollution and breast cancer using detailed air pollution maps, we decided to investigate it."
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We put them on the ground, we put them underwater–now will be put them in the clouds? There is not always enough wind blowing to turn turbines enough to create electricity, but 2,000 feet up in the air, there is three times the wind velocity than we have at ground level. Floating turbines in the sky would also solve the NIMBY problem, when people who live near them complain that they’re unsightly and block their view.
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NASA has said that the asteroid Apophis ("The Uncreator") will have a close approach to the Earth in 2029, but will not fly close enough to strike us. However, a Russian astronomer disagrees. On the Helium website, Terrence Aym quotes Leonid Sokolov as saying, "Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000 to 38,000 kilometers on April 13, 2029. Its likely collision with Earth may occur on April 13, 2036" if it remains on its present course (the closer the asteroid gets to the planet, the more difficult it will be to change its trajectory).
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