Over the years, we’ve written about many other places to get fuel than out of the ground (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). How about out of the air? It turns out that car fuel can be created from the air using an enzyme found in common soil.
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Living creatures are dying all over the Earth. Honey bees have been dying for a long time now and the populations of four different species of North American bumblebee have declined. A new study found that fungus infections are more likely to kill off these bees more than they affect other bee species. This has been going on for over 5 years (subscribers can still listen to Linda Howe’s report on Colony Collapse Disorder).
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Birds and fish are mysteriously dying all over the world, but they aren’t the only creatures this is happening to. There have been mass deaths of cows in Wisconsin and seals in Labrador (and there are probably many others that we haven’t heard about yet).
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An international team of astronomers has detected one of the earliest clusters of galaxies ever identified, located about 12.5 billion light years from Earth. Because light from such distant objects takes so long to reach earth, our telescopes act as time machines, catching this cluster in the act of formation when the universe was only 1 billion years old.
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