Prehistoric Wine
We know that wine improves with aging, but this is ridiculous! Our genes are prehistoric, which may be the reason that archeologists have just found winemaking tools in a cave in Armenia that was inhabited over 6,000 years ago. The cave was discovered 4 years ago and the oldest known leather shoe (over 5,000 years old) was also found there (it was a woman’s size seven), meaning that drinking so much you lose track of your shoes is nothing new.
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Nukes & Earthquakes
As US policy makers renew emphasis on the use of nuclear energy in their efforts to reduce the country’s oil dependence, other factors come into play. One concern of paramount importance is the seismic hazard at the site where nuclear reactors are located.
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Why are our Kids so Fat?
Kids who are deficient in vitamin D gained weight more rapidly than kids who got enough vitamin D, and since you get the D vitamin mainly from being out in the sun, this is probably because they’re spending too much time inside in front of the TV and not getting enough exercise. And this doesn’t just happen in the US: Epidemiologist Eduardo Villamor studied a group of Columbian kids for almost 3 years, measuring their vitamin D levels more