From Indonesia to India, there has been a wave of UFO sightings over Asia, and now this story appears in the Vietnamese English language press. Obviously, I cannot evaluate these reports, and the photo looks like a meteor, but still, they could represent an extension of the high levels of activity in the area.
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This spectacular light show took place over Santiago on the night of December 18. What was it? Certainly not an aircraft. However, it could have been a fleet of balloons carrying flickering LED lights. Once, it would have been hard to generate enough luminosity from lightweight devices to create such a light show at this level, but that is no longer true. Still, this is a possible unknown.
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This appears to be an ordinary lenticular cloud, except for that steadily glowing ring at the base. To be shaped like that, a plasma would need to be generated artificially, and, in any case, no naturally occurring plasma would remain stable for more than a few seconds. One other explanation is that the cloud is being lit from below, but there is no indication of any large lighted area under it, such as a stadium with a ring of floodlights. Lastly, it could be lit from within. If so, then what would be in it?
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The number of triangle reports in the US in 2012 has been very high. The sightings are nationwide, but concentrated in the midwest. If these are drones of some kind, a massive surveillance program is under way in this country. If they are unknowns, which is what your Out There editor things, then it’s STILL a massive surveillance program!
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