Scott Corrales is one of Latin Americia’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, and this article on the wave of mysterious transmissions that took place in the 1970s is excellent and important. It is all to easy to see high strangeness only in terms of the present. But it has a long history, and these broadcasts remain a major mystery.
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A witness reports that he observed a rectangular object over Wyoming Michigan on October 24. It appeared to be moving at about the speed of a small plane, and the witness estimated its altitude at 800 to 1000 feet. It was not lit like an plane, but rather appeared to be a an illuminated square.
The witness provided an illustration which is visible on the source link.
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This video was brought to our attention by Mexican UFO expert Jaime Maussan, and it is remarkable. There is no suggestion of hoax in this video taken by a webcam that watches the Popocatepetl volcano. The volcano has been active lately, and threatens a large human population. So what is this object doing? Also, I might add that it strongly resembles glowing bars that have been recorded in Kentucky recently.
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This news report confirms that the sighting wave that has been taking place across the central United States is continuing. The multiple witnesses and extensive area they are reporting from strongly suggests a genuine unknown is being seen.
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