A UFO has been videotaped by witnesses from inside a crop formation at Avebury. This is one of the rare occasions when a UFO has actually been recorded near a crop formation. The famous ‘Oliver’s Castle Video’ of a UFO making a crop formation is widely discounted as a hoax. This could have been a high flying weather balloon or an iridium flare from a satellite, but it also could be a genuine unknown. It is not a hoaxed video. Your Out There editor has seen iridium flares, and they glitter, so that is probably the least likely explanation. In my book, a high-flying balloon is the most likely explanation, but it would have to have been quite large.
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This object moves very quickly from left to right in the lower part of the frame. Its motion is too quick to be a balloon and too straight to be an insect or a bird. Probable unknown. (Note: One of the YouTube trolls comments that his "software" has determined a distance for the object, and that it is an insect. Without knowing its size or having any triangulation points, no such determination is possible, and no software exists that can do it without those inputs.)
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This video has been made from a series of stills taken by Curiosity every few seconds. The stills were taken approximately every second or so, judging from the fact that the shadows and the sun do not move. If you look at this in full screen mode, you will see one object rise from the surface on the horizon, and another one cross the entire horizon from left to right. It isn’t clear what these objects are. Contrary to some of the commentary (it is exceptionally stupid, even for YouTube), the objects are not part of the Curiosity mission’s hardware. In addition, this low resolution camera would not be able to pick up an orbiting satellite from the ground.read more