Mysterious goat man lurking in Utah mountains.
It doesn’t have to be a UFO story to qualify for the Out There section. This is not a UFO story, but you do have to wonder just what this guy is up to? Or what this guy IS?
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It doesn’t have to be a UFO story to qualify for the Out There section. This is not a UFO story, but you do have to wonder just what this guy is up to? Or what this guy IS?
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Google Moon offers the opportunity to examine lunar photographs in detail, and researchers are finding some very unusual images. Of course, they will all be dismissed as things like dropped pixels or distortion, but frankly, there are too many of them at this point. Filmmaker Jose Escamilla is also working on a documentary about the moon that offers a narrative very different from NASA’s. To see the trailer, click here.
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This ‘object’ is probably a lens effect. Your Out There Editor stands corrected. An explanation appears on another video of precisely the same phenomenon in Port Chester, New York. Here is the explanation from the comments section of the Port Chester video:
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This blog describes a significant amount of UFO activity over North Carolina in recent months.
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