This object was taped last night over Fresno, California. It could be a plane, but the running lights are not in an FAA approved configuration, or don’t appear to be. We got a rash of UFO reports from California in the past few days, including one from Whitley Strieber. So far, this is the only footage that has appeared.
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This is a good compendium of UFO footage from around the world that appeared in April. It starts with what is probably a meteor, but goes on to show a number of good shots. Some of these have already appeared on Out There, but not all. A powerful reminder of just how much of what is in our skies is unknown.
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Obviously this is not a hoax and the witness is careful to state that she is seeing the phenomenon in the sky, that it is not a lens effect or a reflection from the car window. But what is it? Take a look. Your ideas welcome.
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